The Ripple of Goodness – The Story of Karma Sanyāsa Yoga (Chap – 5)

the essence of bhagavat gita for children

A young girl named Nisha lived in a busy town that was tucked between hills and a calm river. Nisha was known for her endless energy, kindness, and love for all living things. She often spent her days playing with animals, helping older people, and planting flowers around the town.

Nisha was feeding ducks by the river one sunny morning when she saw an old sage sitting under a tree. The sage had a calm air about him and a friendly smile. Nisha, who was interested, went up to him.

“Hello, wise old sage!” Nisha said hello. “Why did you come to our town?”

“Greetings, young one,” the sage said with a soft smile. I’ve gone a long way to spread the teachings of Karma Sanysa Yoga. It’s a path that teaches us how to perform our duties with a selfless heart.”


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Nisha seemed curious. “What is Karma Sanysa Yoga? What’s up with that?”

The sage started to tell a story:

“Once upon a time, a boy named Ravi lived in a faraway land. Ravi was born into a farming family, and he spent his days working in the fields, milking cows, and helping his parents. He was always willing to help and always worked hard.

“One day, Ashok, a traveling monk, came to Ravi’s village. Ashok was renowned for his wisdom and teachings on how to live a life of compassion and selflessness. He talked about the idea of Karma Sanyasa Yoga, which means doing things for a higher cause without caring about what you get out of them.

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“As Ravi listened to Ashok’s teachings, he felt a strong connection to them. He realized that even the smallest things he did every day had the power to spread goodness in the world. By performing his duties with love and selflessness, he chose to practice Karma Sanyasa Yoga.

Nisha was interested in Ravi’s story, so she asked, “How can we use Karma Sanysa Yoga in our everyday lives?”

“Karma Sanyasa Yoga is about doing our best in whatever roles we play, whether we are students, friends, family members, or members of the community,” the sage said with a smile. It’s about performing our duties not just for our own benefit, but also to make the world a better place.”

He went on, “For example, when you help your parents with chores, you are practicing Karma Sanysa Yoga because you are doing something selfless for the good of your family.” When you are kind to animals and plants, you are showing kindness by spreading love and caring for life.

Nisha’s eyes lit up when she saw the link between what she had been doing and Karma Sanysa Yoga.

The sage then told a story about a celebration in a village:

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“Every year, the harvest was celebrated with a big party in Ravi’s town. People came from all over to listen to music, dance, and eat tasty food. Ravi thought this event would be a good time to practice Karma Sanysa Yoga.

“He chose to set up a ‘Joy of Giving’ booth at the festival. Instead of selling things, he gave kids who needed their toys, clothes, and books. Ravi’s act of giving without expecting anything in return touched the hearts of many, and soon other people started giving to the stall as well.

The sage stopped, and Nisha asked, “So Ravi was practicing Karma Sanyasa Yoga by giving without expecting anything in return?”

Nisha’s understanding made the sage nod in approval. “That’s right, child. Karma Sanyasa Yoga teaches us that when we perform our deeds with a heart full of love and without attachment to the results, we not only make a positive difference but also find joy in them.

What did Sri Krishna Say to Arjuna?

Once in the land of ancient tales, there lived two friends, Krishna and Arjun. They were having a special conversation about something called “Karma Sanyasa Yoga” or the “Path of Action with Detachment.”

Krishna shared, “Arjun, there are two ways to reach happiness. One is giving up actions completely, and the other is doing actions but without getting too attached to their results.”

Arjun, curious as ever, asked, “Krishna, which is better out of these two paths?”

Krishna replied, “Both paths lead to happiness, but the path of doing actions without getting attached to the results is even better.”

He explained, “A wise person does their duties without wanting rewards and dedicates their actions to God. By doing so, they don’t get affected by wrongdoings and eventually find freedom.”

Arjun wanted to understand more, so Krishna continued with a story:

“There was once a wise person named Ashish. He believed that doing his work without wanting anything in return was important. Ashish helped people without expecting a reward.”

Krishna said, “Arjun, someone like Ashish who doesn’t hate or want things too much is truly a wise person. They don’t let good or bad feelings control them.”

He added, “A person who understands that doing their work and gaining knowledge go hand in hand truly knows the secret of happiness.”

Krishna shared an important lesson, saying, “The one who does actions but offers them to God and doesn’t get too attached, is not troubled by mistakes, just like a lotus leaf stays clean in water.”

He explained how a person, while doing actions, can still stay calm and peaceful inside. “A person who isn’t too eager for rewards and does their work well finds lasting peace,” Krishna said.

He also taught Arjun that understanding the truth about our actions and the world helps us find happiness. “A person who sees the truth isn’t too happy when things are good or too sad when things are bad,” Krishna explained.

Krishna continued, “A wise person doesn’t let the world’s joys or sorrows affect them. They find happiness inside themselves.”

Arjun was grateful for Krishna’s teachings. He understood that doing actions without expecting rewards and staying calm inside was the key to true happiness.

From that day, Arjun aimed to do his duties without wanting anything in return. He learned that finding joy within himself was the secret to being truly happy.

And Krishna and Arjun continued their journey, sharing wisdom and spreading happiness wherever they went.



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